There was a tailor named Harji in Virpur. For months together he had been suffering from some pain in the stomach and could not do any work because of that pain. Once he happened to meet Ruda Patel.
Harji said, "I can't bear the pain any longer. No medicine shows its effect on me and I am now completely fed up." Ruda Patel said, "Now you do one thing. Take a vow in name of Jala Bhagat and you will be all right. I'm sure!" Harji soon said, "Oh Jala Bhagat, relieve me of this pain. I'll give five measures of grain to the charity house." It so happened that Harji's pain began to be reduced from that very day and within a week he was completely recovered. He offered five measures of grains to Jala Bhagat, paid obeisance to him and said, "Bapa, you have cured me of my disease."
The Bhagat said, "No, It's god who cured you. I did nothing. I simply know one thing: "Feed the needy and Mutter God's name."

This was the first vow uttered in the name of Jala Bhagat.
Henceforth people called him 'Jalararn Bapa.'

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