There lived a rish muslim named Jamal in Virour. Once his ten years old son was ill. Inspite of all treatment his temperature did not come down. The doctors gave up hope about his recovery.

The tailot Harjitold Jamal about his own experience, "Jamal, a pellet bow can send a pellet upto three hundred yards, a gun can send a bullet upto a thousand, a tank can send a ball upto ten thousand but the Jalaram Bapa's morsel to food given to the sadhus has its reach upto the door of the heaven. Therefore, take a vow in jalaram Bapa's name and that will surely save your son from death."

Jamal caought the suggestion and said, "O Bapa, relieve my son of his disease. I'll give forty measures of grains to your charity house."

It so happened that his son's temperature got down that very night, he opened his eyes, and was saved.

Jamal took a cart load of grains to Jala Bapa, paidobeisance to him and said, "Jalaa so Allah! (Jalaram is God). One who fails to receive something from God can receive it from Jalaram!"

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